Currently, the staff is spread among multiple departments, but in the future, the unit’s centre of gravity will be in Anno’s planned Documentation Centre, which will include collaborative storage, located at the Glomdal Museum in Elverum.
The Documentation Unit
The unit’s role is advisory and coordinating, with a focus on business planning, resource use, infrastructure, skill development, and other overriding, common tasks within collection management, conservation, and documentation.
The unit contributes towards the strategic forums, raising relevant issues for the museum's strategic planning. The strategic forums shape the overriding strategies within collection management and documentation; the documentation unit is the planning and performing entity. The documentation unit's field of action involves many internal and external participants with varying degrees of responsibility, expertise, and time allocation.
The Conservation Service
The conservation shop is in Hamar, but the employees also work at the different museum locations. They also contribute to the museum locations’ work on collection overview, storage conditions, projects related to the conservation of objects, and exhibit selection and future collaborative storage. The service currently employs two Object Conservators with broad expertise, mostly within wood and metal.
Photo Service
Works with various forms of contemporary documentation, projects, own documentation and operations-related tasks related to, inter alia, exhibits, digitalisation, and object photography. The photo agency function is an important part of what we offer our visitors.
Library Service
The library service provides services to the staff within collection management, dissemination, knowledge production and research. Key tasks are literature searches and effectuation, guidance and quality assurance within source use and publishing. The library service is also responsible for what the libraries at the Glomdal Museum and the Norwegian Forest Museum offer the public and assists the other locations with collection management. Read more about the library and book collections at Anno here.
The Digitalisation Unit
The Digitalisation unit offers quality conversion of physical materials into digital formats. Assisted by modern equipment for digitalisation in newly renovated premises and a competent work force, we go to work. Read more about us here.